Supporting local and national charities
Our CHA vision reinforces to all in our community how to embrace ‘living life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). Each member of the community is encouraged to be compassionate and to love, these are two of our seven Christian values. Students and staff are reminded that not everyone is as fortunate in their life chances and that we can make a difference to others. We do this in many ways but one way is in our support of local and national charities.
Every academic year we select and organise events to raise money for selected charities. This is organised and arranged through our Head Student Committee charity group.
Regular charities that we raise funding for our Jeans for Genes, Wear it Pink - Breast Cancer Awareness, Macmillan Coffee morning, Children in Need and Save the Children: Christmas Jumper Day. We also donate food items to Chiltern Food Bank.
There are other fundraising events made throughout the year, for example:
We have close links with MIND. Training mentors throughout the academic year to support our younger students.