Chiltern Hills Academy A Church of England Academy

Create, Aspire and Excel

to 'Live life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)


Church School Inspection (SIAMS)

The Purpose of the SIAMS Inspection

  • to provide an evaluation of the impact of the school’s distinctively Christian vision for the governing body, the school, parent, diocese, Church of England Education Dept and wider public.
  • to meet the requirements of section 48 of the Education Act 2005 for schools which have a religious character.
  • to verify the outcome of the school’s self-evaluation.
  • to make a significant contribution to the improvement and sustainability of church schools.

SIAMS inspection focuses on the impact that the Christian vision of the school has on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish. Schools will become effective by means of a variety of strategies, approaches and styles which reflect their local context or church tradition. Inspectors will carefully diagnose how each church school has a positive impact on pupils and adults.

Here is a link to the Chiltern Hills Academy Inspection report from its most recent inspections:

SIAMS Inspection Report - March 2020

SIAMS Inspection Report - May 2015


Our most recent inspection was in September 2020.

Our OFTSED inspection judged that the school continued to be ‘good’ school in all categories and recorded that "Leaders are highly ambitious for all pupils at the school, and the curriculum is at the heart of this ambition. Leaders have high aspirations for pupils to achieve the best possible qualifications.”  On behaviour the inspectors found "High expectations for pupils’ behaviour mean that lessons are positive and purposeful, and that behaviour is calm around school.

Here are links to that report and the previous one:

Ofsted Inspection Report - September 2022

Ofsted Inspection Report - February 2017