Chiltern Hills Academy A Church of England Academy

Create, Aspire and Excel

to 'Live life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)

Data / Exam Results

GCSE RESULTS AND COMPARISON 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Number in cohort 184 163 163 146 133

Progress 8 Score:

-0.26 -0.21 NA NA


Attainment 8 Score:

44.00 44.00 49.00 50.06


9-4 in English and in Maths

63% 55% 69% 71%


9-5 in English and in Maths

39% 27% 58% 46%


Students achieving English Baccalaureate at (Grade 9-4)

18% 19% 18% 26%


GCSE English 9-4

74% 69% 80% 85%


GCSE Maths 9-4 71% 60% 74% 73% 74%
GCSE Science 9-4 62% 46% 75% 71% 75%
5+ 9-4 grade GCSEs (or equivalent) 70% 68% 74% 69% 68%
5+ 9-1 grade GCSEs (or equivalent) 94% 99% 100% 100%


Please be aware the 2019-20 and 2020-21 performance measures are not official since they are not required to be published.

Progress 8 shows how well students have progressed between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4, compared to students in other schools who got similar KS2 results. This is based on results in up to 8 qualifications, which include English, Maths, 3 qualifications including sciences, computer science, history, geography and languages, and 3 other additional qualifications

Attainment 8 is used to give schools a score based on how well students have performed in up to 8 qualifications, which include English, maths, 3 qualifications including sciences, computer science, history, geography and languages, and 3 other additional qualifications

The English Baccalaureate (Ebacc) is not a test or qualification; it is a measure used to provide information about a particular range of qualifications. A student is considered to have ‘achieved’ the English Baccalaureate if they got a grade C or better in the following subjects: English, maths, sciences, a language and either history or geography.

Summer 2023 Key Stage 5 Results: Chiltern Hills Academy: England Average:

Average Academic A Level Result:



Average Applied (vocational) A Level result: Merit+ Merit+
Achieving A* -C Grade 72% Not Available

Results Overview

We are once again celebrating the ‘best ever’ results achieved at KS4 with all our headline results above those of the previous year. In the Progress 8 measure we are the top seven of all non-selective schools in the county (21 schools).  We are in the top six of all non-selective schools when we compare the Ebacc average point score and the percentage of students achieving a Level 5 or above in English and maths GCSE. Our Attainment 8 score places us in the top five of non-selecting county schools.

In the Sixth Form the results achieved enabled all those that wanted a pathway to university to achieve this. At A Level 59% of the students in Y13 achieved an A* - C grade. The average grade for a vocational qualification (BTEC) was a Distinction.

Performance Tables:  Click here for performance our data on the DfE website or click here to search for other schools to compare.

100% of pupils stayed in education or employment after KS4.

Destinations after 16 - 18 2021

  CHA Bucks England
Number of Students 60 5050 534428
Staying in education 65% 56% 47%
Entering apprenticeship 8% 6% 10%
Entering employment 26% 25% 25%
Not in education or employment for at least two terms after study not yet known 9% 13%

Pupil Premium Related Action

Click here to read Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-25 document
Click here to read Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-24 document
Click here to read Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-23 document
Click here to read the Report for 2021-22 document

Catch Up Funding

Report for 2018-19
Click here to read the document. CHA no longer receives Catch Up Funding.

To see the SEN Information Report, please click here to go to the Learning Support page.


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See the Ofsted School Data Dashboard for CHA by clicking here.