Gatsby & Provider Access Policy
The Careers Education and Information Advice and Guidance programme within Chiltern Hills offers all students a range of impartial advice and experiences that will enable them to make considered judgements and choices to shape their futures at relevant stages in their lives and supports self development, career explorations and career management.
We work very closely with Bucks Skills Hub to create a full Careers programme across the whole school for our students that also fulfils the requirements of the Gatsby Benchmarks.
The Gatsby Benchmarks originated in a research report (Good Career Guidance) from the Gatsby Foundation in 2013 to ensure high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance is given to all students.
There are 8 benchmarks
We offer all students a careers programme which will increases opportunities for them into the world of work. This includes work experience, personals guidance with an independent careers adviser, careers fairs, university visits, college & training provider talks, apprenticeship workshops and motivational employer speakers and much more.
Our full Careers Education and Information Advice and Guidance Programme Policy can be found here.
Provider Access Legislation (PAL)
The provider access legislation (occasionally referred to as the ‘Baker Clause’) requires all schools and academies to provide opportunities for a range of education and training providers, to inform Year 8 to 13 pupils of approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.
All students in Years 8-13 at Chiltern Hills Academy are entitled to
- Find out about technical education qualifications, apprenticeships opportunities as part of our careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available
- Hear from local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships
- Understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Our full Provider Access Policy can be found in our Careers Education and Information Advice and Guidance Programme Policy here.