Labour Market Information
Exciting careers in Bucks could take you to Silverstone, Pinewood studios, the world's leading Stoke Manderville Hospital...or even into space at the Wescott Centre
Labour Market information (LMI) will help you understand the job market and in particular, if a certain industry is growing or declining. The job market is constantly evolving, and we aim to help you prepare for the jobs of the future.
The Careerometer is a great tool which will help you compare different jobs and occupations and includes data such as salary, hours per week if it is a growth sector.
The Skillometer tool will help you discover jobs that match your skills and interests. This is especially useful for those who are undecided which job role they are interested in pursuing.Buckinghamshire LMI
The Bucks Skills Hub shows 1000s of live jobs in Buckinghamshire and The Bucks Skills Sector Hub is packed with information on all the key sectors in Buckinghamshire.
Life Science, Health care and Social Care
Financial and Professional Services
Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism
You can explore careers by job category here is a useful website showing videos of different career paths
My Path's Job of the week highlights LMI for different industries